Research Article

Gut Microbiota Alterations from Three-Strain Yogurt Formulation Treatments in Slow-Transit Constipation

Table 1

The basic physical condition of study people and their clinical response before and after they ate a three-strain yogurt for 7 days.

SubjectsSexAge (years)Weight (kg)Height (m)BMIDefecation frequency (week)

Healthy3/147.0 ± 10.3661.5 ± 2.381.6 ± 0.0723.5 ± 1.297.0 ± 07.0 ± 0
Patient14/246.69 ± 11.4558.44 ± 9.841.63 ± 0.0721.38 ± 2.535.48 ± 2.411.81 ± 0.69

Values are expressed as mean ± SD of three repeats. compared with before eating three-strain yogurt.