Research Article

Hepatitis B Birth Dose among Children in District 2 Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Prevalence and Associated Factors

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of children and parent/guardian respondents (N = 292).

N (%)

Baseline characteristics of parents/caregivers
Gender (female)259 (88.7)
 Primary and secondary school77 (26.4)
 >High school215 (73.6)
 Government officer/staff122 (41.8)
 Housewife104 (35.6)
 Seller/retail44 (15.1)
 Others22 (7.5)
Age (years) (M ± SD)32.7 ± 6.8
Information about hepatitis B vaccination (yes)232 (79.5)

Baseline characteristics of children
Gender (male)160 (54.8)
Age (months)30.3 ± 13.9
Period of delivery
 <201332 (10.9)
 ≥2013260 (89.1)
Birth order of child in the family
 1st109 (37.3)
 2nd159 (54.5)
 ≥3rd24 (8.2)
Place of birth
 Dist. 2 Hospital142 (48.6)
 Tu Du Hospital105 (36.0)
 Others45 (15.4)
Moderate birth weight (>2,500 g)281 (96.9)
Age of gestation (<37 weeks)15 (5.1)
Caesarean107 (36.6)