Research Article

Spatiotemporal Study of COVID-19 in Fars Province, Iran, October-November 2020: Establishment of Early Warning System

Figure 1

(a) SARMA12 (3, 4) estimating the number of COVID-19 cases in Jahrom during February18th–September30th 2020; the green dashed line represents the number of observed COVID-19 cases during February18th–September30th 2020; the simple red line indicates SARMA12 (3, 4) model estimating COVID-19 cases during February18th–September30th 2020. (b) SARMA12 (3, 4) model predicting COVID-19 cases in Jahrom during October1st-November14th 2020; the green line represents the estimated COVID-19 cases during February18th–September30th 2020; the red line represents the predicted COVID-19 cases during October1st-November14th 2020 with its confidence interval. (c) Sample/model SARMA12 (3, 4) auto correlation function (ACF) and (d) partial auto correlation function (PACF) for Jahrom during October1st-November14th 2020; the green correlations are derived from the sample and the red correlations are taken from the fitted model; two dashed horizontal lines are confidence bands; a model is considered good in case the sample and model correlations out of the bands overlap.