Research Article

Integrating a 19F MRI Tracer Agent into the Clinical Scale Manufacturing of a T-Cell Immunotherapy

Figure 2

Label uptake and cellular viability after label. (a) CS-1000 ATM produces a single major spectral peak when detected by NMR. Using the integration values of the labeled cells and TFA reference, the 19F atoms/cell () can be calculated. Is = integrated area of major peak of the cell pellet, Mr = moles of TFA reference (three 19F per TFA molecule already reflected in equation), Na = Avogadro’s number, Ir = integrated area under TFA reference peak, and Nc = number of cells in pellet. (b) Labeling with a green fluorescently conjugated version of the reagent, cellular uptake of the reagent was examined by flow cytometry (n2). (c) Comparison of the viability of labeled and unlabeled cells both before and after cryopreservation (precryo n5, postthaw n2). (d) Table summarizing the viability and label uptake of groups of cells.