Research Article

Evaluation of an AI-Powered Lung Nodule Algorithm for Detection and 3D Segmentation of Primary Lung Tumors

Table 2

Results of the binomial logistic regression.

Independent variablesExp(B) with 95% CI

Histology subtype
 Reference: adenocarcinoma
 (1) Squamous cell carcinoma<0.0010.209 (0.089–0.490)
 (2) NSCLC (NOS)0.1810.443 (0.134–1.461)
 (3) SCLC0.0150.093 (0.014–0.636)
 (4) Others0.6530.765 (0.237–2.464)
Location (lobes)
 Reference: right upper lobe
 (1) Middle lobe0.3500.499 (0.116–2.145)
 (2) Right lower lobe0.4951.446 (0.502–4.167)
 (3) Left upper lobe0.9051.054 (0.448–2.480)
 (4) Left lower lobe0.9020.943 (0.369–2.408)
Pleural contact<0.00174.400 (9.345–592.324)
Maximal axial diameter<0.0010.953 (0.938–0.969)

Detection (yes/no) was set as dependent variable. Independent variables: histology (categorial), location (categorial), pleural contact (dichotomous), and maximal axial diameter (continuous). Exp(B) is the exponentiation of the B coefficient.