Review Article

MnDPDP: Contrast Agent for Imaging and Protection of Viable Tissue

Figure 13

Brain MRI in a patient receiving MnDPDP 140 μmol/kg over 8 months [22, 90]. MnDPDP (10 μmol/kg) was applied as cytoprotective adjunct to 14 cycles of chemotherapy with oxaliplatin as the primary drug in a patient with cancer of colon. MRI of the brain (1.5 T) was undertaken after the last cycle. Sagittal and parasagittal images (A-B, a-b) were obtained by T1W-FLAIR and descending axial images (C-D, c-d) by T1W-SE. High SI reflects marked Mn deposition in: A-a, corpus callosum (open arrow), mesencephalon (thick white arrow), and pituitary gland (thin white arrow); B-b, C-c, putamen and globus pallidus (L nucleus lentiformis) and caput nucleus caudatus (N); D-d, cerebellum with nucleus dentatus (curved white arrow) and brain stem (white angled arrow) (Blomlie V, Jynge P., unpublished images).