Research Article

GlyCEST: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Glycine—Distribution in the Normal Murine Brain and Alterations in 5xFAD Mice

Figure 3

GlyCEST effects and glycine concentrations in C57BL/6 wild-type (WT) mice (n = 9). (a) T2-weighted spin-echo image (T2WI) showing regions of interest (ROIs) in a coronal brain slice (left panel) and the corresponding GlyCEST map (center panel). The corresponding GlyCEST (%) and glycine concentrations detected by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis in the cortex and thalamus are also shown (right panel). (b) GlyCEST (%) in the cortex and thalamus measured in T2WI-defined ROIs. (c) Glycine concentrations in the cortex and thalamus detected by HPLC. In both GlyCEST and HPLC measurements, the glycine concentration in the thalamus is higher than that in the cortex. Data were analyzed using the paired t-test ().