Research Article

The Efficacy of Combined Therapy of Regorafenib with Detoxicating and Stasis Softening Chinese Herbal Spleen Tonics in Mid-/Late-Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (n = 120).

Characteristics# of patients

Age, median, years (range)48 (28–70)
HBV-positive84 (70%)
HCV-positive12 (10%)
Alcohol abuse18 (15%)
ECOG-PS, ≤1120 (100%)
Child-pugh score
 556 (46.7%)
 642 (35%)
 715 (12.5%)
Vascular invasion74 (62%)
Extrahepatic metastasis36 (30%)
BCLC stage
 B18 (15%)
 C102 (85%)
 <400 ng/mL93 (77.5)
 ≥400 ng/mL27 (22.5%)

Safety of regorafenib and combined therapy with DSS.