Research Article

Optimal Control of the Lost to Follow Up in a Tuberculosis Model

Table 1

Table of parameter values [1416].

ParametersDescriptionEstimated valuesSource

Λ Recruitment rate of susceptible individuals5  ( y r ) 1 Assumed
𝛽 Transmission ratevariable Assumed
𝜇 Natural death rate0.019896  ( y r ) 1 [14]
𝑑 1 TB-induced mortality for the follow up0.02272  ( y r ) 1 [15]
𝑑 2 TB-induced mortality for the lost to follow up0.20  ( y r ) 1 [15]
𝛿 Fraction of lost to follow up that are still infectious1  ( y r ) 1 Assumed
𝜙 Rate at which infectious become lost to follow upVariableAssumed
𝑝 1 Fast route to infectious class0.3  ( y r ) 1 [15]
𝑝 3 Fast route to lost to follow up class0.1  ( y r ) 1 Assumed
𝑟 1 Chemoprophylaxis of latently infected individuals0.001  ( y r ) 1 [15]
𝑟 2 Recovery rate of the infectious0.7311  ( y r ) 1 [15]
𝛾 1 Rate at which the lost to follow up return to the hospital0.2  ( y r ) 1 Assumed
𝛾 2 Recovering rate for the lost to follow up0.001  ( y r ) 1 Assumed
𝑘 1 Rate of progression from infected latently to infectious0.0005  ( y r ) 1 [16]
𝑘 2 Rate of progression from infected latently to lost to follow upVariableAssumed