Research Article

Immune Response to a Variable Pathogen: A Stochastic Model with Two Interlocked Darwinian Entities

Figure 7

Dynamical stochastic process for initial form and mutant . One initial ancestor of form . Three cardinal examples (a) , (b) , and (c) . Upper left (triangle graph for 0 and scales 0.15 for and 32 for ): probability distribution of finding individuals of initial form (red) and individuals of mutant (blue) after multiplication phase of generation (9), (10). Lower left (triangle graph): probability distribution of finding individuals of initial form (red) and individuals of mutant (blue) after selection phase of generation (12). Upper right: total extinction probability of both initial form ( ) and mutant ( ) together (violet) along generation . Lower right: average number of individuals and of initial form (red) and mutant (blue) with their standard deviations (black) along generation . Parameters: maximal total number , copy probability and , multiplication factor of initial form , multiplication factor of mutant , mutation probability from initial form to mutant , mutation probability from mutant to initial form , surviving probability of initial form , surviving probability of mutant . Deterministic model (green in lower right, (13)): , , and .