Research Article

Spatiotemporal Dynamic Simulation of Acute Perfusion/Diffusion Ischemic Stroke Lesions Evolution: A Pilot Study Derived from Longitudinal MR Patient Data

Table 2

Insights into final T2 outcome Columns 1 and 3 show the mean value of dice index over time for the 8 patients between the estimated evolving DWI/MTT lesion boundaries from acute to subacute stages and the final T2 lesion boundary. Columns 2 and 4 show the time corresponding to the maximum value that the dice index reached, where the final T2 lesion is spatially closest to the estimated DWI/MTT evolution. Columns 5 and 7 display the mean value of the symmetric distance over time computed in mm (the spatial discrepancy) between the evolving DWI/MTT boundaries and the final T2 boundary. Columns 6 and 8 depict the time of the “appearance” (in hours) of the T2 within the DWI and MTT evolution scenarios corresponding to the minimum of the symmetric distance that varied with time—for each patient.

0.574 30 0.682 144 6.109 42 4.719 144
0.598 9 0.817 129 7.086 9 3.828 132
0.052 216 0.029 216 33.23 216 24.285 216
0.003 3 0.227 216 28.593 3 16.681 216
0.007 123 0.0008 123 23.886 123 26.128 120
0.364 273 0.556 273 9.295 270 6.151 99
0.42 54 0.61 6 10.45 87 6.160 6
0.681 75 0.77 198 7.925 69 4.713 237