Review Article

Biomedical Relation Extraction: From Binary to Complex

Table 8

Examples of the three subtasks of the BioNLP'09 shared task.

Subtask Sentence Events

Core event extraction Expression of IkappaBalpha in the nucleus of human peripheral blood T lymphocytes. E1 Gene_expression: Expression Theme: IkappaBalpha

Event enrichment We demonstrate the nuclear localization of I(kappa)B(alpha) in PBL by different techniques: Western blot, indirect immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy. E1 Localization: localization Theme: I(kappa)B(alpha) ToLoc: nuclear

Negation and speculation recognition This failure to degrade IkappaBalpha may underlie both the observed decrease in NFkappaB induction and the IL-2 receptor expression in TNF-treated T cells during aging. E1 Protein_catabolism: degrade Theme: IkappaBalpha M1 Negation E1