Research Article

Weighted Lin-Wang Tests for Crossing Hazards

Table 3

Empirical powers of the Lin-Wang test, and three weighted variants, under Scenario 1.

Sample sizesLW

( )0.4060.2690.3310.407
( )0.6270.5240.5890.602
( )0.8130.7720.810.774
( )0.9040.9020.9120.87
( )0.9520.9680.9650.922
( )0.9820.9920.990.965
( )0.990.9980.9960.981

Notes: Sample sizes are given for group 1, followed by group 2. LW denotes the Lin-Wang test, and denotes the weighted version of the LW test, with weights as described in the text. The empirical powers of the two-sided test statistics were estimated from 5000 simulations, at nominal alpha level 0.05.