Research Article

A Mathematical Study of a TB Model with Treatment Interruptions and Two Latent Periods

Table 1

Model parameters and their interpretations.

Definition Symbol Estimate

Recruitment rate 10,000/1.7
Natural death rate 1/70
TB induced death rate in class 0.5
TB induced death rate in class 0.1
TB induced death rate in class 0.2
Transmission coefficient from class to 5
Transmission coefficient from class to Variable
Transmission coefficient from class to 1.5
Reactivation rate of the early latent persons 0.08
Reactivation rate of the later long-term latent persons 0.2
Self-cured rate of the persons in class 0.02
Treatment rate of untreated active TB cases in class 0.3
Recovery rate of the treated active TB cases 0.1
Rate of treatment interruptions 0.1
Fraction of the early latent persons who progress TB fast 0.075
Fraction of the self-cured persons in class who enter class 0.9