Research Article

KIR Genes and Patterns Given by the A Priori Algorithm: Immunity for Haematological Malignancies

Figure 1

KIR gene features present in the healthy unrelated donor and haematological malignancy cohorts. KIR haplotype. A,—corresponds to group A homozygous haplotypes, whereas A Hp includes both homozygous and heterozygous group A haplotypes (vice versa for B). cB01 haplotypes having KIR2DS3 but not KIR2DS5 are indicated as “cB01(s3),” vice versa for those containing KIR2DS5 instead of KIR2DS3. The same applies to cB03 and tB01 categories. Combinations of centromeric and telomeric motifs that are thought to be very likely occurring based on Pyo’s 2010 criteria [11] have been included at the bottom of the figure as extended haplotypes.