Research Article

Dependence of Shape-Based Descriptors and Mass Segmentation Areas on Initial Contour Placement Using the Chan-Vese Method on Digital Mammograms

Table 6

Mean values for the Jaccard similarity coefficient (JSC) and the Euclidean distances of the masses. The mean values and ranges of percentage differences in boundary moments (, , and ), percentage differences in shape convexity (%ΔSC), and percentage differences in shape rectangularity (%ΔSC) for the masses, labelled as groups with predefined margin characteristics and also a group with arbitrary margin characteristics, due to changes in the location of the initial level set contours evolved with tuneable parameters , and , .

Margin characteristicsObscured/ill-defined marginsDistinct/well-defined marginsUnlabelled margins
Tuneable parameters, , , , , ,

Average JSC0.81 ± 0.010.87 ± 0.130.96 ± 0.030.95 ± 0.060.89 ± 0.020.92 ± 0.09
Average DF0.09 ± 0.050.05 ± 0.040.05 ± 0.020.04 ± 0.020.07 ± 0.050.05 ± 0.03
Mean of 23.9%17.5%8.9%11.4%16.4%14.5%
Range of 1.0–87.0%0–62.6%0.3–25.0%0–24.4%1.0–87.0%0–62.6%
Mean of 24.5%17.2%8.6%9.6%16.6%13.4%
Range of 1.7–86.8%0–59.1%2.1–33%0–46.0%1.7–86.8%0–59.1%
Mean of 32%20.1%14.1%13.4%23.1%16.8%
Range of 1.4–86.0%0–80.9%0.9–53.0%0–54.0%0–86.0%0–80.9%
Mean of %ΔSC8.3%2.4%4.5%2.9%6.4%2.7%
Range of %ΔSC0.0–28.1%0–21.0%0.07–17.2%0.2–13.9%0.3–28.1%0–21.0%
Mean of %ΔSR11.7%7.6%5.7%4.3%8.7%5.9%
Range of %ΔSR0.1–42.0%0–38.9%0.04–14.9%0–21.9%0.1–42.0%0–38.9%