Research Article

Binary Matrix Shuffling Filter for Feature Selection in Neuronal Morphology Classification

Table 2

The 43 morphological characteristics extracted by L-measure software and their descriptions.

NumberAbbr. Morphological indexDescription

1SSSoma_surfaceSomatic surface area
2_stemsTotal number of trees
3_bifsTotal number of bifurcations
4_branchNumber of bifurcations plus terminations
5_tipsNumber of terminal tips of a neuron
6NWNeuronal_width95% of second principal component
7NHNeuronal_height95% of first principal component
8NDNeuronal_depth95% of third principal component
9TyTypeCompartments are assigned to four different types: 1 = soma, 2 = axon, 3 = dendrites, and 4 = apical dendrites
10DiDiameterAverage branch diameter
11DpDiameter_powDiameter of each compartment of the neuron raised to the power of 1.5
12LeLengthTotal arborization length
13SuSurfaceSurface area of each compartment
14SASection areaTotal arborization surface area
15VoVolumeTotal internal volume of the arborization
16EDEuc distanceMaximum euclidean (straight) distance from soma to tips
17PDPath distanceMaximum path (along the tree) distance from soma to tips
18BOBranch_orderMaximum branch order number of bifurcations from soma to tips
19TdTerminal degreeTotal number of tips each segment will terminate into
20TSTerminal segmentNumber of compartments that comprise the terminal branch
21Ta1Taper_1The change in diameter over path length between two critical points
22Ta2Taper_2The ratio of the change in diameter to the initial diameter of two critical points. The initial diameter is usually larger
23BplBranch_path lengthSummation of the individual compartment lengths that form a branch
24CoContractionAverage contraction (the ratio between euclidean and path length calculated on each branch)
25FrFragmentationTotal number of reconstruction points
26DRDaughter_ratioRatio between the diameter of the bigger daughter and the smaller daughter of the current bifurcation
27PDRParent-daughter_ratioRatio between the diameter of a daughter and its father for each critical point
28PaPartition_asymmetryAverage over all bifurcations of the absolute value of ()/( + − 2), where and are the numbers of tips in the two subtrees
29RPRall_powerAverage over all bifurcations of the sum of the diameters of the two daughters, elevated to 1.5, divided by the diameter of the parent, and elevated to 1.5
30PkPk = 0, 5
31PcPk_classicRall power is set to 1.5
32Pk2Pk_2Rall power is set to 2
33BalBif_ampl_localAverage over all bifurcations of the angle between the first two daughter compartments
34BarBif_ampl_remoteAverage over all bifurcations of the angle between the following bifurcations or tips
35BtlBif_tilt_localThe angles between the end of the parent branch and the initial part of the daughter branches at the bifurcation
36BtrBif_tilt_remoteThe angles between the previous node of the current bifurcating father and the daughter nodes
37BtolBif_torque_localAngle between the current plane of bifurcation and the previous plane of bifurcation
38BtorBif_torque_remoteAngle between the current plane of bifurcation and the previous plane of bifurcation
39LpdLast_parent_diamDiameter of last bifurcation before the terminal tips
40DtDiam_thresholdDiameter of first compartment after the terminal bifurcation leading to a terminal tip
41HTHillman thresholdComputation of the weighted average diameter between 50% of father and 25% of daughter diameters of the terminal bifurcation
42HeHelixHelicity of the branches of the neuronal tree. It needs to be at least 3 compartments long to compute the helicity
43FDFractal_dimFractal dimension metric of the branches in the dendrite trees