Review Article

An Update on Statistical Boosting in Biomedicine

Box 1

The structure of statistical boosting algorithms.
  (1) Start with iteration counter . Initialize the additive predictor with an offset value.
    Specify a set of prediction functions as base-learners ; typically each
    base-learner is a regression function incorporating one possible candidate variable.
Component-wise fitting of base-learners
  (2) Set iteration counter .
  (3) Fit the base-learners , , one-by-one:
    Gradient boosting
    Base-learners are fitted to the negative gradient vector of the loss function (e.g. the negative
    log-likelihood), evaluated at the current additive predictor . To ensure small steps, the
    base-learner fits are multiplied by a small step-length factor ,: .
    Likelihood-based boosting
    Base-learners are estimated via maximizing the overall likelihood, using one step of Fisher
    scoring with the current additive predictor as offset. To ensure small steps, a penalty
    term is attached to the likelihood.
Update best performing component
  (4) Select the best performing base-learner :
    Gradient boosting
    Based on the smallest residual sum of squares with respect to the negative gradient vector.
    Likelihood-based boosting
    Based on the largest overall likelihood after the update.
  (5) Update the additive predictor via the corresponding base-learner:
    Iterate steps (2) to (5) until . The parameter is the main tuning parameter,
    typically selected via resampling procedures.