Research Article

Medical Image Segmentation Using Fruit Fly Optimization and Density Peaks Clustering

Algorithm 1

DPC Algorithm.
Input: Dataset , cutoff distance
Output: Clustering result of dataset and category labels of the sample.
(2)Initial: Specify the cutoff distance
(3)Sort sample points in descending order of density
(4)Calculate the distance between data points and the number of data points within the cutoff distance , draw a decision graph.
(5)Clusternumber = k % Manually select cluster centers k
(6) For to
(7)  If
(8)   Clusteri = Clusterj; % Select the point with large and as the clustering center
(9)  Else
(10)   Clusteri = ; %Assign the remaining points to the closest cluster in descending order of density
(11)  End If
(12) End For