Research Article

A Novel Approach for Predicting Disease-lncRNA Associations Based on the Distance Correlation Set and Information of the miRNAs

Table 1

17 predicted lncRNA-disease pairs with high predicted value while DCSLDA was applied to three important kinds of cancer (breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and lung cancer).


Breast cancerKCNQ1OT121304052; 26323944

Breast cancerMALAT124525122; 19379481

Breast cancerXIST27248326

Breast cancerNEAT125417700; 28034643

Breast cancerLINC0065726942882

Breast cancerSNHG1628232182

Breast cancerCASP8AP228388918

Breast cancerPPP1R9B26387546

Breast cancerTUG127791993

Colorectal cancerKCNQ1OT116965397; 11340379

Colorectal cancerMALAT125025966

Colorectal cancerXIST17143621

Colorectal cancerNEAT126552600

Colorectal cancerSNHG1626823726

Colorectal cancerCASP8AP222216762

Lung cancerMALAT120937273; 24757675; 24667321

Lung cancerXIST27501756