Research Article

A Novel Approach for Predicting Disease-lncRNA Associations Based on the Distance Correlation Set and Information of the miRNAs

Table 2

Performance comparisons between DCSLDA and HGLDA based on the rankings of ten lncRNA-disease associations related to three important kinds of cancer (breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and lung cancer).


Breast cancerKCNQ1OT118

Breast cancerMALAT1430

Breast cancerXIST51

Breast cancerNEAT1812

Breast cancerSNHG16123

Colorectal cancerKCNQ1OT115

Colorectal cancerMALAT143

Colorectal cancerXIST51

Lung cancerMALAT149

Lung cancerXIST51

Average ranksā€‰4.97.3