Research Article

SIR Model for Dengue Disease with Effect of Dengue Vaccination

Figure 2

Dynamical transmission in humans and mosquitoes with the effect of vaccination incorporated. Note. = number of susceptible human population who are unvaccinated at time t; = number of infected human population who are unvaccinated at time t; = number of recovered human population who are unvaccinated at time t; = number of susceptible human population who have been vaccinated at time t; = number of infected human population who have been vaccinated at time t; = number of susceptible vector at any time t; = number of infected vector at any time t; dH, dV = death rates of human and vector populations; NH, NV = total human and vector populations; βH, βV = transmission rate of dengue virus from vector to human and human to vector; bH = birth rate of human population; A = constant recruitment rate of vector population; α = vaccine efficacy; p = fraction of newborns vaccinated.