Review Article

Medical Diagnostic Tests: A Review of Test Anatomy, Phases, and Statistical Treatment of Data

Table 9

Other metrics used to evaluate diagnosis accuracy.

Statistic (Abb)FormulaRemarks

Number needed to diagnose (NND) [161]1/[Se − (1 − Sp)]1/J(i) The number of patients that need to be tested to give one correct positive test result
(ii) Used to compare the costs of different tests

Number needed to misdiagnose (NNM) [162]1/[1 − (TP + TN)/n](i) The highest the NNM, the better the diagnostic test

Clinical utility index (CUI) [163, 164]CUI+ = Se × PPV
CUI− = Sp × NPV
(i) Gives the degree to which a diagnostic test is useful in clinical practice
(ii) Interpretation: CUI > 0.81 ⟶ excellent utility; 0.64 ≤ CUI < 0.81 ⟶ good utility; 0.49 ≤ CUI < 0.64 ⟶ fair utility; 0.36 ≤ CUI < 0.49 ⟶ poor utility; and CUI < 0.36 ⟶ very poor utility

Abb = abbreviation; all indicators excepting J are reported with associated 95% confidence intervals; TP = true positive; FP = false positive; FN = false negative; and TN = true negative.