In the article titled “Evaluating the Hemodynamical Response of a Cardiovascular System under Support of a Continuous Flow Left Ventricular Assist Device via Numerical Modeling and Simulations” [1], there were errors in equations (4) and (7) that should be corrected as follows:(1)In equation (4), the left ventricular volume change (dVlv/dt) was described as the difference between flow rates through the mitral valve (Qmv) and aortic valve (Qav). The equation should be as follows:(2)In equation (7), the HTA model and the circulatory system model were combined to simulate the CF-LVAD assistance using the equations which describe the left ventricular volume change (dVlv/dt) and systemic arterial pressure change (dpas/dt). The equation should be corrected as follows:

These equations were used correctly in the computations and errors appear only in the text.