In the article titled “Modeling Inhibitory Effect on the Growth of Uninfected T Cells Caused by Infected T Cells: Stability and Hopf Bifurcation” [1], there were several errors throughout the article which are as follows:(i)In the Abstract and the Introduction sections, “infection-free” should be corrected to “uninfected.”(ii)In the Local and Global Stability of the Equilibria section, there were the following errors:(1)“We can denote the basic reproduction number of the HIV virus for the model (3) as , (see, for example, [3])” should be corrected to “We can denote the basic reproduction number of the HIV virus for the model (3) as (see, for example, [3]).”(2)The sentence “Proof. We consider linear system of the model (3) in near;” should be corrected to “Proof. We consider linear system of the model (3) at .(3)The sentence “When , . Therefore, is not root of (9). If (8) has pure imaginary root for some , substituting it into (8) and separating the real and imaginary parts,” should be corrected to “When , . Therefore, is not root of (9). If (9) has pure imaginary root for some , substituting it into (9) and separating the real and imaginary parts.”(4)The sentence “Then, we get the corresponding such that (23) has pure imaginary ,” should be corrected to “Then, we get the corresponding such that (19) has pure imaginary .(5)The sentence “From (19), we obtain ” should be corrected to “From (22), we obtain .(6)Equation (L) should be corrected as follows:(iii)In the Simulations and Conclusions section, the sentence “By direct calculations, we get that (19) has a positive root;” should be corrected to “By direct calculations, we get that (24) has a positive root.”(iv)The formats of references 2, 14, 25, 26, 27, and 29 were updated.

This has been corrected in place.