Research Article

A Simulation Study to Compare the Predictive Performance of Survival Neural Networks with Cox Models for Clinical Trial Data

Table 2

Performance of PLANN original and PLANN extended tuned for the IBS at 5 years or the C-index for 61% censoring (scenario 1) and 1000 synthetic patients per dataset. The standard deviation (sd) based on 1000 datasets is provided in parentheses.

MeasurePLANN original IBSPLANN original C-indexPLANN extended IBSPLANN extended C-index

Brier score 2 years (sd)0.145 (0.012)0.146 (0.012)0.144 (0.011)0.144 (0.011)
Brier score 5 years (sd)0.229 (0.010)0.232 (0.011)0.229 (0.011)0.230 (0.010)
IBS 5 years (sd)0.124 (0.007)0.125 (0.007)0.123 (0.006)0.124 (0.007)
C-index (sd)0.633 (0.022)0.628 (0.023)0.637 (0.021)0.631 (0.024)
Miscalibration 2 years (sd)0.003 (0.003)0.004 (0.003)0.003 (0.002)0.003 (0.002)
Miscalibration 5 years (sd)0.006 (0.004)0.007 (0.004)0.008 (0.006)0.006 (0.006)