Research Article

[Retracted] Effect of Massive Transfusion Protocol on Coagulation Function in Elderly Patients with Multiple Injuries

Table 3

Comparison of coagulation function ().

GroupControl group ()Research group ()

APTT (s)
 At admission1.3060.195
 24 h after transfusion###7.428<0.001
PT (s)
 At admission0.6440.522
 24 h after transfusion###8.899<0.001
TT (s)
 At admission0.4950.622
 24 h after transfusion###5.556<0.001
FIB (g/L)
 At admission0.8930.374
 24 h after transfusion###5.170<0.001

Note: Compared with at admission in the group, ###. APTT: activated partial thromboplastin time; PT: prothrombin time; TT: thrombin time; FIB: fibrinogen.