Research Article

[Retracted] MKA: A Scalable Medical Knowledge-Assisted Mechanism for Generative Models on Medical Conversation Tasks

Table 6

An example of generated responses on the MedDialog-CN test set.

Patient self-report科室 department: 男科 andrology
疾病/症状 disease/symptom: 静索静脉曲张 varicose veins

Patient question 1我很怕是高位结扎手术引起的附睾炎, 希望大夫能给我说说是怎么回事, 该怎么处理?
I am very afraid that it is the epididymitis associated with the high ligation operation. I hope the doctor can tell me how to deal with it quickly.

Doctor response 1Ground truth中医药调理。
You can recuperate yourself with Chinese medicine.
The surgical part does not cause epididymitis.
Transformer可能是近期没有充分休息, 免疫力下降。建议早点休息。
It may be that you do not have enough rest and cause the decrease on the immunity. It is recommended to sleep early.
BERT-GPT不要趴着睡觉, 影响伤口恢复。建议多休息。
Do not sleep on your stomach, which will affect the recovery of the wound. It is recommended to rest more.
MKA-Transformer可以吃营养的健康食品, 比如西兰花, 鸡蛋等, 同时注重卫生清洁, 每晚可以热敷缓解疼痛。
You can eat nutritious and healthy foods, such as broccoli and eggs; meanwhile, pay attention to your hygiene and cleanliness. You can heat the area around your wound every night to relieve yourself.
MKA-BERT-GPT不可以吃冷饮, 少吃辛辣刺激的食物, 影响伤口恢复。建议多吃蔬果类, 比如苹果。不要久坐不动, 少穿紧身裤。
Do not drink cold drinks, and eat less spicy food, which will affect the recovery of the wound. It is recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables, such as apples. Do not sit for a long time and do not wear tight pants.

Patient question 2请问我这是附睾炎吗?或是什么?恳请大夫您为我指点!感谢。
Is this epididymitis? Or what? I hope you, the doctor, to give me some advice! Thanks!

Doctor response 2Ground truth局部气血不畅。
The flow of the blood and qi in the local area is not that smooth.
Dialog-GPT放宽心, 只是心理作用。
Relax, it is just a psychological effect.
It is just that the wound is painful after the operation.
It is the common problem about the blood.
MKA-Transformer可能是运动过量导致提睾肌过度收缩, 导致疼痛。
Excessive exercise may cause excessive contraction of the cremaster muscle. It will make you feel painful.
MKA-BERT-GPT血流不通, 建议过几天复查伤口恢复情况, 减轻心理负担。
The blood flow is not smooth. It is recommended to review the situation of the recovery of the wound after a few days. Besides, you need to reduce the psychological burden.