Research Article

Anomalous Behavior Detection Framework Using HTM-Based Semantic Folding Technique

Algorithm 1

Pseudocode/Algorithm of the Proposed System.
Input Documents as doc
OutPut Clusters as preCluster
Processing for Pooling and SDR
Function PoolSDR()
for d in docs:
  for t in wtSet:
   if len(ww)>0 and t not in stop_words:
    for w in ww:
      if w.synset[0]. in bucketArray:
       bk=[i, t,bucketArray.index(]
       if len(bucket)>8:
       bk=[i, t,bucketArray.index(]
       if len(bucket)>8:
     end if
    end if
    end for
   end if
  end for
end for
end function
Process for Clustering
Function Cluster()
for b in bucket:
  if (b[0]==i):
   Cluster=str(Cluster) + " + str(b[2])
   Cluster=str(Cluster) + "" + str(b [2])
  end if
end for
end function