Review Article

Seven Mathematical Models of Hemorrhagic Shock

Table 2

Cardiovascular parameters (adapted from Tab. 1 in Batzel et al., [12], p. 24).


Coefficient of in the differential equation for
Coefficient of in the differential equation for
fracUpper compartment fraction of basic total prone systemic volume
Capacitance of the arterial part of the systemic circuit
Capacitance of the arterial part of the pulmonary circuit
Capacitance of the venous part of the systemic circuit
Capacitance of the venous part of the pulmonary circuit
Blood flow perfusing the lung compartment
Blood flow perfusing the tissue compartment
Heart rate
Coefficient of in the differential equation for
Mean blood pressure in arterial region of the systemic circuit
Mean blood pressure in arterial region of the pulmonary circuit
Mean blood pressure in venous region of the systemic circuit
Mean blood pressure in venous region of the pulmonary circuit
Cardiac output
Resistance in the peripheral region of the pulmonary circuit
Peripheral resistance in the systemic circuit
Ventricular contractility
Compliance of the respective relaxed ventricle
Total viscous resistance of the respective ventricle
Derivative of
Control function
Ventricular stroke volume
Total blood volume
VUTotal unstressed volume
Left and right of the heart circuit, respectively