Research Article

Boosted Sine Cosine Algorithm with Application to Medical Diagnosis

Pseudocode 2

Pseudocode of the ESCA_PSO.
Input: noP,MaxFEs, ub, lb, dim, fobj.
While (t≤MaxFEs)
  For each search agent
    Calculate fitness agent
    If fitness value < in this iteration
      Move the current value to matrix
    End if
    If Fitness value <
      Set current value as
    End if
  End for
  For each search agent
     Update X using Eq.(1)
     Update X using Eq.(2)
    End if
    Check and correct the new positions based on ,
  End for
  For each particle
    Initialize particle with
    Set as
  End for
  Perform DE strategy
    For each particle
      Calculate fitness value
        If fitness value in history
          Set current value as new
        End if
    End for
  Choose the particle with the best fitness value of all the particle as the
  For each particle
    Update with Eq. (9)
    Update with Eq. (10)
  End for
  End while
  Update X_m_Levy using Eq. (14)
  Update X_m_gaus using Eq. (12)
  Update X_m_cauchy using Eq. (13)
End while