Research Article

HSimulator: Hybrid Stochastic/Deterministic Simulation of Biochemical Reaction Networks

Algorithm 5

The dynamic reaction partitioning of HRSSA (please refer to [21] for details).
Input: The same as RSSA (Algorithm 2) together with the time granularity used for the
(approximate) simulation of fast reactions; the minimum amount of molecules that
has to be available for fast reactions; the minimum number of times that a fast
reaction has to be applied, in average, within the time range of size .
Output: the sets and of slow and fast reactions, respectively.
  ; ;
  for each  reaction
     if     then
       Put reaction in the set ;
     else if   , modified by with stoichiometric coefficient , such that
       Put reaction in the set ;
       Put reaction in the set ;
     end if
  end for