Research Article

Follow-Up and Risk Assessment in Patients with Myocardial Infarction Using Artificial Neural Networks

Table 1

Detailed description of input variables used in this study.


ECG parametersQT intervalmsMeasure of the time between the start of the Q wave and the end of the T wave
QTc intervalmsHeart rate corrected QT interval
PR intervalmsMeasure of time from the beginning of the upslope of the P wave to the beginning of the QRS wave
QRS complexmsComplex of Q wave, R wave, and S wave
P wavemsThe P wave is the first positive deflection on the ECG

Time domain analysisAverage HRbpmAverage heart rate during 24 hours
SDNNmsStandard deviation of NN intervals
RMSSDmsSquare root of the mean squared differences of successive NN intervals
pNN50%Proportion of interval differences of successive NN intervals greater than 50 ms

HRV statisticsLFnu-RRI%LF power in normalized units
HFnu-RRI%HF power in normalized units
VLF-RRIms2Power in very low frequency range
PSD-RRIms2Total power
LF/HF-RRIRatio LF [ms2]/HF [ms2]
BRSms/mmHgChange in interbeat interval (IBI) in milliseconds per unit change in BP