Research Article

Parallel Fractal Compression Method for Big Video Data

Algorithm 1

 Classification Algorithm of Domain and Range Blocks (one frame e.g.,).
Input: domain blocks and range blocks.
Output:domain block categories and range block categories
Set: the number of categories and a set of threshold sequences
 Mean gray value of remaining domain blocks is calculated by Eq.16;
is the median of threshold sequence ;
  Remove a domain block from ;
  GA between and is calculated;
   If then
 Until Each domain block of is compared;
 If then
  Perform previous “Repeat” step, until ;
 If then
  Perform previous “Repeat” step, until ;
 The i-th category of domain blocks is determined;
Until domain blocks are classified and are got;
Center of s categories of domain blocks are obtained by Eq.16;
 Remove a range block from ;
 Distance between and center are calculated by Eq.17;
 Select the smallest distance ;
Until range blocks are classified and are got;
Algorithm 1