Research Article

A Two-Stage Regularization Method for Variable Selection and Forecasting in High-Order Interaction Model

Algorithm 1

The TSRRHR algorithm.
Inputs: the dataset
: maximum number of iterations used in the SRHR algorithm of the first stage;
: maximum number of iterations used in the SRHR algorithm of the second stage;
: the error tolerance used in the SRHR algorithm of the first stage;
: the error tolerance used in the SRHR algorithm of the second stage;
: scale parameter used in the SRHR algorithm of the first stage;
: scale parameter used in the SRHR algorithm of the second stage;
Output: The forecasting test error and selected pattern;
Randomly divide the original data into the training dataset and
test dataset .
The first stage using SRHR algorithm:
Generate grid values of and .
Initialization: ,
while or do
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4:
end while
end for
end for
Obtain the solution path and the corresponding sparsity patterns based on
EBIC criterion.
The second stage using SRHR algorithm:
Generate the high-order interaction model and based
on the sparsity pattern .
Generate grid values of and .
while or do
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4:
end while
end for
end for
Obtain the solution path and update the sparsity patterns using
HDBIC criterion.
Calculate the test error using test dataset