Research Article

Damage Diagnosis in 3D Structures Using a Novel Hybrid Multiobjective Optimization and FE Model Updating Framework

Algorithm 1

1. Create a population of random solutions and corresponding speeds .
2. Initialize an external archive and define a memory of flight experience for each individual,
 i.e. .
3. Evaluate using the multi-objective functions.
4. Find the non-dominated solutions and store them in .
5. Develop hypercubes of the search space and distribute the individuals within the hypercubes
 using the multi-objective function values.
6. Apply TOPSIS on to determine the leader solution or the global best individual .
7. While stopping criteria are not satisfied do:
   a) Generate a new population A by using LFs using a modified version of Eq. (9) as:
   b) Evaluate all particles in A, compare A with using the non-domination criterion
    and update .
   c) Generate a new population B by using PSO as:
    where is the current particle; is the particle’s velocity; is the inertia factor;
    and are acceleration coefficients; and imply random numbers ; is the
    current generation number.
   d) Evaluate all particles in , compare with using the non-domination criterion
    and update .
   e) Remove the non-dominated solutions and fill the empty positions with randomly
    created solutions as:
    where is a Gaussian random permutation operator; is the
    removed dominated solution; is a random number .
   f) Evaluate all particles in and insert the non-dominated solution into .
   g) Update the hybercubes in the current
   h) Remove the extra individuals in by eliminating the crowded individuals within the
    corresponding hypercubes.
   i) Apply TOPSIS on to determine the global best individual .
   j) Update for all individuals.
8 End.