Research Article

Automatic Lateralization of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Based on MEG Network Features Using Support Vector Machines

Table 1

Brain regions with significant differences (, two-tailed -test, uncorrected) in nodal parameters between the groups.

Brain regionLeft TLE versus Right TLELeft TLE versus HCRight TLE versus HC

bankssts L0.0427
entorhinal L0.0154
frontalpole L0.0408
frontalpole R0.01950.0398
inferiortemporal R0.0289
lateraloccipital R0.01890.03560.0323
medialorbitofrontal L0.02380.02360.02820.0114
parahippocampal L0.0475
parsorbitalis L0.01980.04420.0181
parstriangularis R0.04330.0370
postcentral L0.0412
postcentral R0.0422
precuneus R0.0466
rostralmiddlefrontal L0.0500
rostralmiddlefrontal R0.03400.0412
superiorfrontal R0.01490.0216
superiorparietal L0.01990.0182
superiortemporal L0.01370.01630.02190.0176
superiortemporal R0.01680.0455
supramarginal R0.02960.03610.0332
temporalpole L0.01930.04550.0356
temporalpole R0.00910.0189
transversetemporal R0.04410.0075

None of the significant differences survived the FDR correction. TLE: temporal lobe epilepsy; HC: healthy control; : degree; : betweenness; : efficiency; L: left; R: right.