Research Article

Behavior-Interior-Aware User Preference Analysis Based on Social Networks

Table 2

Topic-oriented Behavior Interior Dimensions.

DimensionsSubdimensionsDefinition in our studyMeasurement in our study

MotivationPractical value [46, 47]Degree to which the content provides useful informationLack of information
Entertaining valueDegree to which the content is interesting or surprising or awe-inspiring

AffectSentiment [48]Valence- positive or negative
Controversy [14]Sentiment variation approximated opinions pro or against

Content richnessContent volume [49]Word count in a topic,
is word count at time ,
, is the Levenshtein distance between two tweets
Content diversityNonredundancy of topic words

ViralityHotness [14]Transmission times and reach of impact, and are communication count and coverage of people of a topic at time
Trend momentum [14]Absolute hotness difference in successive time windows

: all the tweets are the same; : none of the tweets have any content that occurred in other tweets.