Research Article

A Constrained Solution Update Strategy for Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition

Algorithm 2


(1) generate N weight vectors , initialize the values of , status, an
offspring population O, and generate an initial population
(2) get from P with (3)
(3) while  
(4) for i=1 to N
(5) if  status ==0
(6) collect the best solution of each to form the mating pool
(7) else
(8) set the neighbors of subproblem i as the mating pool
(9) end if
(10) generate oi with pi and the parents from the mating pool
(11) evaluate the objectives in oi and update in (2)
(12) add oi into the offspring population O
(13) end for
(14) [P, status]= CSU(P, O, N)
(15) set and initialize O  as an empty set
(16) end while
(17) return P