Research Article

Network Embedding-Aware Point-of-Interest Recommendation in Location-Based Social Networks

Algorithm 1

The training process of Geo-SRank.
Require: the user-POI check-in matrix R, learning rate η, regularization parameters , , , , and , the pretrained network embeddings S and T;
Ensure: the latent factors U, V, X, and Y;
(1)The initialization of U, V, X, and Y;
(2)while (L(t) − L() tolerate error) do
(3) Randomly select one training example from ;
(5) Calculate by utilizing equation (23);
(6) Calculate X by utilizing equation (21);
(7) Calculate by utilizing equation (24);
(8) Calculate by utilizing equation (25);
(9) Calculate Y by utilizing equation (22);
(10) Calculate L(t) (the loss error in t step) by utilizing equation (20);
(11)end while
(12)return U, V, X, and Y;