Research Article

Mixing Dyadic and Deliberative Opinion Dynamics in an Agent-Based Model of Group Decision-Making

Algorithm 4

Run for one scenario.

Require: Vector of values for parameters ()
Ensure: Vector of statistics ()
procedure  SET-PARAMETERSInitialize parameters for scenario
procedureINIT-OBJSCreate arguments, agents, and
procedure  SOLVE-ARGUMENTATION-FRAMEWORKAssigns the epistemic labeling to
while    do the number of arguments to discuss
Generates proposal argument
Initialize label for
Initialize debate counter
while  (( )  do
if    then
procedure  BUILD-ARGUMENTATION-FRAMEWORKBuild the argument graph, agents deliberate
) are agents sampled by the CA
while    do
procedure DYADIC-SOCIAL-INFLUENCEAgents discuss one-to-one
if     then Agents vote for the proposal
if  ()  then
if    then
procedure  DELIBERATION-INFLUENCEAgents are influenced by the result of the decision process
return  Get the statistics