Research Article

Information Spreading on Weighted Multiplex Social Network

Figure 4

Effect of fraction of initial seeds on the growth pattern of the final adoption size versus β on the ER-ER weighted multiplex network, under different weight distribution exponents and . The values of weight distribution exponent of all subgraphs are 3, and the subgraphs in each row have the same , i.e., subgraphs (a), (b), and (c) correspond to ; (d), (e), and (f) correspond to ; and (g), (h), and (i) correspond to . Additionally, the subgraphs in each column have the same adoption threshold, i.e., subgraphs (a), (d), and (g) are set with ; (b), (e), and (h) with ; and (c), (f), and (i) with . The theoretical solutions (lines) coincide well with the numerical results (symbols). Given other parameters, increasing the fraction of initial seeds will change the growth pattern of from discontinuous to continuous growth. Moreover, vertically, increasing the weight distribution exponents (decreasing weight distribution heterogeneity) can decrease the critical transmission probability; horizontally, increasing the adoption threshold (increasing the difficulty of adoption) can contrarily enlarge the critical transmission probability. The phenomena above convey that changing the seed size can alter the growth pattern, and decreasing the adoption threshold can facilitate information spreading. Most importantly, changing the seed size of the adoption threshold cannot qualitatively alter the fact that decreasing the weight distribution heterogeneity can facilitate information spreading. The basic parameters are , , , and .