Research Article

From Topic Networks to Distributed Cognitive Maps: Zipfian Topic Universes in the Area of Volunteered Geographic Information

Figure 13

3D depiction of two MTNs (left and right) each consisting of two layers (including a TTN at the bottom and an ATN at the top of the respective cube). Shared colors of nodes and dashed vertical lines indicate identically labeled vertices. The depiction disregards the orientation of the arcs. In this example, all four layers span topic networks over the same set of topics (vertices). Any such two-layer MTN can be used to represent the intertextuality- and coauthorship-based networking of the topics derived from the same corpus of texts about the same place. In this way, we gain several perspectives for the analysis of such multiplex networks: by comparing the TTNs or the ATNs of different MTNs (dotted arcs), by comparing the TTNs of different networks with their corresponding ATNs (dashed arcs), or by comparing the different MTNs as a whole with each other (solid arc).