Research Article

From Topic Networks to Distributed Cognitive Maps: Zipfian Topic Universes in the Area of Volunteered Geographic Information

Table 2

Building blocks of topic networks (texts, topics, words, agents, etc.), their relations according to Figure 8, and candidate procedures for weighting the corresponding arcs (last column).

SourceRelationTargetCandidate procedure

TextTopictext2ddc [72]
TextTextMeasures of sentence/text similarity, text embeddings [78]
AgentTopicTopic models [59]
TopicAgentTopic models [59]
AgentTextEdit networks [74]
TextAgentEdit networks [74]
AgentAgentCoauthorship [74, 79]
WordTopictext2ddc [72], topic models [59]
TopicWordtext2ddc−1, topic models [59]
WordTextfastText, topic models [59]
TextWordfastText, topic models [59]
WordWordWord embeddings [77, 8082]