Research Article

A Novel Segmentation Method for Furnace Flame Using Adaptive Color Model and Hybrid-Coded HLO

Algorithm 1

Pseudocode for AHcHLO.
(1)Initialize population X
(2)Calculate Fitness Function
(3)Initialize the IKDs and SKD
(4)while the stop criterion is not satisfied do
(5)for i = 1 to N do
(6)  for j = 1 to M do
(7)   if (r ≥ 0 and r < pr) then
(8)    Generate Rij as equation (3) and Bij as equation (4)
(9)   else if (r ≥ pr and r < pi) then
(10)    Generate Rij as equation (7) and Bij as equation (8)
(11)   else if (r ≥ pi and r < 1) then
(12)    Generate Rij as equation (10) and Bij as equation (11)
(13)   end if
(14)  end for
(15) end for
(16)Calculate Fitness Function
(17)Update the IKDs and SKD
(18)Calculate IL and SL according to equations (12) and (13)
(19)end while