Review Article

Emerging Technologies of Natural Language-Enabled Chatbots: A Review and Trend Forecast Using Intelligent Ontology Extraction and Patent Analytics

Table 8

Search query for patent management analysis.

Search typeDI queryResult

Claim/title/abstractCTB=((chatbot) or (automated adj conversation adj interface) or (chat ADJ system) or (natural adj language) or (nlp)) AND CTB=(((ontology) or (named ADJ entity ADJ recognition) or (deep ADJ learning) or (machine ADJ learning) or (neural ADJ network) or (speech ADJ recognition) or (feature) or (lstm) or (gated adj recurrent adj unit) or (transformer) or (BERT) or (GPT) or (rectifier) or (RELU) or (“speech%” ADJ “generat%”) or (cloud ADJ computing) or (voice ADJ activity ADJ detection) or (voice ADJ over ADJ Internet ADJ protocal) or (bandwidth) or (human ADJ computer ADJ interaction) or (VUI) or (GUI) or (user ADJ interface) or (immersive ADJ technolog) or (virtual ADJ reality) or (augmented ADJ reality) or (mixed ADJ reality) or (force ADJ touch) or (3D ADJ touch) or (robotic ADJ process ADJ automation) or (communication ADJ system))) AND DP>=(20110101) AND DP<=(20201231);12,840 DWPI families