Research Article

Joint Optimization of a Dry Port with Multilevel Location and Container Transportation: The Case of Northeast China

Table 6

Quadratic function regression results of road transportation economic cost.

Dependent variable: Y
Method: least squares
Date: 01/26/21 time: 16 : 19
Sample: 1 83
Included observations: 83
Y = C(1)∗X^2 + C(2)∗X + C(3)

CoefficientStd. Errort-statisticProb.

R-squared0.960057Mean dependent var4063.855
Adjusted R-squared0.959059S.D. dependent var4921.867
S.E. of regression995.8865Akaike info criterion16.68062
Sum squared resid79343192Schwarz criterion16.76805
Log likelihood-689.2457Hannan-Quinn criter.16.71574
F-statistic961.4377Durbin-Watson stat1.765773
Prob (F-statistic)0