Research Article

Understanding the Anticontagion Process and Reopening of China during COVID-19 via Coevolution Network of Epidemic and Awareness

Figure 1

A simple illustration of our model framework. The left part displays the metapopulation network, where the blue and rainbow-colored nodes represent the susceptible and infected subpopulations, respectively. Subfigure (a) represents the individuals of each subpopulationFigr moving between different subpopulations along with the epidemic and awareness. Subfigure (b) demonstrates the awareness diffusion (UAU model) and epidemic spreading (SEIR model) interaction based on virtual or real individual contacts within each subpopulation, modeled by a multilayer coevolution network. (c) indicates the mechanism of transition between different states based on several parameters. (a) Spreading between subpopulation. (b) Coevolution of awareness and epidemic within a subpopulation. (c) The transition between different states.