Research Article

A Local Extended Algorithm Combined with Degree and Clustering Coefficient to Optimize Overlapping Community Detection

Algorithm 2

Community merging and isolated nodes adjustment.
Input: local subgraph LC
Output: community detection results OC
(1) Community merging
(2) = calculateAvgOS(LC)
(3)OC = []
(4)for i in LC do
(5)  j = i + 1
(6)  for j in LC do
(7)   ifthen
(8)    OC.append(ij)
(9)   end if
(10)  end for
(11)end for
(12) Isolated nodes adjustment
(13)for i in OC do
(14)  if len(i) = = 0 and otherSide(i[0]) then
(15)    = i[0]
(16)   neighbors[] = findeNeighbors()
(18)   for in neighbors[] do
(19)    ifthen
(20)    addIsolateNode(, ,OC)
(21)    end if
(22)   end for
(23)  end if
(24)end for