Research Article

Identification of Influential Nodes via Effective Distance-based Centrality Mechanism in Complex Networks

Algorithm 1

(1)for each node in G = (N, M) do
(2) calculate the degree of v
(3) calculate the K-shell of v
(4) //Computing the interaction in the most nearest neighbors nodes
(5)for node u in G.neighbors of node do
(6)  evaluate the power of K-shell () using equation (2)
(7)  evaluate the power of K-shell (u) using equation (2)
(8)  evaluate ED(v,u) using equation (4)
(9)  evaluate influence(v,u) using equation (5)
(10)  //Computing the interaction in the next-nearest neighbors’ nodes
(11)  for node in G.neighbors of node u do
(12)   evaluate the power of K-shell () using equation (2)
(13)   evaluate the power of K-shell () using equation (2)
(14)   evaluate ED(v,w) using equation (3)
(15)   evaluate influence(v,w) using equation (4)
(16)  end for
(17)end for
(18)end for
(19)//Calculate influence I(v) of all neighbours’ nodes
(20)evaluate EDBC(v) using equation (5)
(21)return EDBC(v)
Output: Ranked nodes